The model of your world (patterns)

Gallon of tea before you start this practice please. 😂

Get yourself in a state, take at least 3 breaths, or any pranayama.


Even though we all live (physically) together in this lifetime, we all might be living in a very different “world”. This is why we sometimes say “oh… XYZ live in his / her own world”, or “my mum lives in a different world, she will never understand me”.

I hope this opens up a little understanding of how “parallel universe” works, each with our own frequency and vibration. (I ain’t Einstein, but hopefully this is in lay term enough to experience). Our different “parallel world” - all depends on what energy and belief systems we carry, aka, the MODEL of YOUR world.

The sooner you recognise this, the sooner you can decide what reality (which world) do you want to live in. This is how we quantum jump! (kind of like that movie “Sliding Doors”).


Take your time with today’s practice:

  1. See the timeline below, write down any events that pop in your mind. Start with the key events in relationships / partnerships, followed by abundance (money) / career / breakthrough etc. Pause, sit with this. What emotions come up.

    (First, notice the actual 3D events themselves, see the patterns, then notice whether you can start seeing the energetic patterns - we will discuss more about the energetic patterns in Fuerteventura, so bring this homework with you)

  2. Exercise: Model Of The World Questions
    In the 3D world (aka the manifestation of the events):

    Do you spot any patterns about you?
    What about life in general? any patterns?
    Can you spot the patterns in relationships?
    How about money?
    What are the common patterns?

    Zoom out. It’s there. the answer is there.

We will continue this topic tomorrow.

Love you. 🥰