Meet Your Heart 2024

Hear their stories and their real life impact.

YES (capital was on purpose)”

“Absolutely - big leap and soul growth! Still steading in the landing”

”Yes absolutely! It’s shifted my perspective massively”

”Felt like I was already on the process pre retreat and then had went to a new rock bottom-ish to fly higher!”

”I’m more aware of the universe dynamic, my brain 🧠 got it, my heart always had, just need to figure out the connection in between”

Is there a “pre-Meet Your Heart” era, and “post MYH era”?

(i.e. are you a different person/version now?)

What has been the most impactful thing after MYH? ✨

“I am more of my authentic self and have learnt how to receive love fully without feeling like I must return that act of kindness immediately etc. Learnt the difference between being true to myself and being “nice”. Love is not transactional nor do I have to pressure myself to make a decision when I’m not sure yet. Learning to trust in that way. I’ve let go of limiting beliefs and stopped allowing careers to be the biggest part of my identity. Getting to the roots of things and healing ancestral patterns which has allowed my heart to truly open again. Once you fully believe in yourself and the abundance out there … the rest is there waiting. There are so many facets. I have always welcomed magic and definitely even more has come post retreat, thank you so much Angel Imelda xxxxx”.

“Noticing and being able to identify the subtle energy patterns”.

“My awareness has become stronger. I started to notice what was holding me back from taking that step forward and now I allow myself to step into that uncomfortable sensation, taking that step forward”.

”My energy has shifted massively feeling like I’m living from the heart a lot more. Have integrated gratitude practice into my life and it’s made such a huge difference”.

Has anything changed with your relationships? What about your relationship with money?

“Slowly filtering some friendships out that I have noticed could have been previous patterns of trauma bonds etc. After a long time my heart is open again for romantic love and I have been intentionally dating ❤️. Before and during the retreat I thought I was quite traumatised with love due to losing myself and heartbreak in previous relationships. As my reflections continued after I realised the biggest thing to release was my perception of love through family’s relationships. With dating I’ve been putting into practise that feeling safe is one of THE most important things. Money has been working out with some of my risks to prioritise wellbeing and flowing at the right times. And now I have a new job pending with the biggest salary I’ve had yet eee. Love you Imelda x x x x x”

”There is more awareness in all my relationships”. 💕

”Yes, I've been able to hold my ground (with ease) with people I would have never been able to to do so before (both strangers and soul connections) shifting from energy patterns I've carried for years, and generally become more patient and compassionate with family members that I'd easily react to with frustration. I've started to approach almost all interactions by checking if I'm coming from a place of wholeness or not, and working on that piece before trying to understand why the 'expression' may feel off. I feel I've always had an abundant view and relationship of money, but have started to become more intentional about how to have a more 'active' versus 'passive' attitude towards money and always remember your concept of 'smiling money' in giving and receiving it”. 💰

“More appreciative of people and empathetic in terms of their own patterns and stories”

“I’ve always viewed money as a tool to transact but I’m now getting interested in other ways to transact”.

Has the programme made you become more aware of your energetic patterns? any real life impact?

“Noticing the different between acting from a place of love, gratitude and joy instead of fear and doubts. When it happens, it's becoming easier to come back to the present and choose love”.

“More aware and kinder to myself and others around this. Healing starts from within and even generationally. This has been a huge one actually because I used to take other people’s pain in so much that it really hurt me. Now I feel it and can offer compassion but it’s like I know that it doesn’t have to sit in me. This was a huge shift after the 1-1 body reading releasing with you :)”

“Yeah defo - I can spot my patterns as they’re occurring and usually not fall into the same traps”.

“Yes definitely. Much more awareness and compassion for myself which has allowed to begin dismantling”.

”F yeah 😂 I got fired now I’m in this nobody energy I guess 😂”.

”Yes, for sure - I've been able to show up more compassionately in the relationships and situations that are most 'triggering' to me. Slowing down, standing up for myself, saying no (kindly), findings times to scream in the car and sweat in hot yoga to channel any anger that may have gotten unconsciously stored”.

Has anything changed at home? (layout, habits, energy)

”palo santo every where 😂 😂”.

“Yes - keeping things tidier, more organised, greater awareness around clutter (both inside and outside of the closets) as it reflects my inner state of being as well.”

“I’ve slowed down using movement as a practice, I move slower, more considered, I’m into the Zen vibe ☺️”

“Home space is cute, gratitude dinner table with fresh flowers or plants, placing things down generally neater and slower THANK YOU”.

”22 post-it notes, 3 altars and counting 😂 .

”Yeah loads I’m so much more positive managing to deal with work pressure way, my interactions with people seem to be so much better, have attracted lots of opportunities into my life”.

Do you feel you can start seeing that all experience / people / triggers are here for YOUR soul growth?

Therefore you can see through the eyes of love? (i.e. surrender) and that YOU are the creator? 

Job’s done then 😂

Imagine how magical your day to day will feel like if you live your life from the lens of love and as a CREATOR. So exciting 😍🤸🏽


MYH 2024 is more than happy to speak to you to share their experience and thoughts about the programme. Reach out. I’ll connect you. :)



Paul Masterson ★★★★★

“I’d like to think in the last few years I’ve consciously given a lot of time and attention to working on myself and being ok with who that guy is. Sounds like a simple enough task but you have to go to some very dark and very bright places and you have to open yourself up to a lot of uncomfortable situations and be brave enough and trust in the process.

As part of that process I joined Imelda’s week long immersion in Fuerteventura and for me it was the final piece in the jigsaw the key to the last lock and the “Glue” to bring all the other stuff I’d done together so thank you Imelda for walking with me on that part of the journey.

Amazing experience great set up incredible food fun people bucket loads of Love and laughter 👌


Jamie Atkinson ★★★★★

“Attending Magic School with Imelda has given me a fresh perspective on life. The programme masterfully combined the worlds of science and spirituality, equipping me with invaluable tools to live a more FULFILLING life. The deep inner work we did was transformative—challenging at times—but always balanced with moments of laughter and joy. Imelda’s energy was infectious, and she created the perfect environment, holding space for each of us with care and wisdom.

The schedule was packed with enriching yoga sessions, insightful lectures, and engaging activities, keeping us fully immersed in the experience. And let’s not forget the food—absolutely outstanding! Delicious, healthy, and nourishing. The venue itself was beautiful, with a serene atmosphere and a refreshing pool. I can’t recommend this experience enough!”


Naima Bossi (Seed) ★★★★★

This was my first retreat, although immersion is a better word for it as we really delved deep into the deepest part of ourselves. It was truly a ✨ magical experience, it was intense to say the least, but it you’re someone truly wanting to meet your heart and let go of the paradigms; traumas and stories that are working against you, then this is the space you want to be in.

Imelda is truly a powerful mentor and teacher and has the perfect sensitivity and firmness to hold space for people’s darkest and brightest places. I couldn’t recommend enough!

To anyone who’s serious about joining MYH2025: My best advice is to go in fully committed with no expectations and let everything flow as it needs to. And don’t forget to be kind to yourself.


Marina Gortan ★★★★★

An awakening experience. The immersion has been fun and intense at the same time.

Each day, I explored one layer deeper of myself, and still to this day, the tools I've gained from the immersion has continued to empower me to choose to design this beautiful life.

Thank you Imelda to have created this safe place where we could share and grow.